
发布日期:2025-02-21    浏览次数:










2006.09-至今, 中央民族大学理学院,教授





国家自然科学基金面上项目 2023-2026

国家重点研发项目子课题 2021-2023

国家民委中青年英才 2019-2022

国家自然科学基金面上项目 2018-2021

中央民族大学教育教学成果奖二等奖 2017

中央民族大学高层次优秀人才 2016-2018

人社部留学回国人员科技活动择优资助 2016-2018

国家自然科学基金面上项目 2014-2017

国家民委科研项目 2010-2012

国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目 2010-2012

中央民族大学优秀共产党员 2010

北京高校青年教师教学基本功比赛三等奖 2009

中央民族大学教师教学大赛一等奖 2008


(1) Daxing Li, Kuo Zhang, Xiaoyong Hu, Shuai Feng*, Integrated convolutional kernel based on two-dimensional photonic crystals, Optics Letters, 49: 6297-6300 (2024)

(2) Kuo Zhang, Kun Liao, Haohang Cheng, Shuai Feng*, Xiaoyong Hu*, Advanced all-optical classification using orbitalangular-momentum-encoded diffractive networks, Advanced Photonics Nexus, 2(6): 066006 (2023)

(3) Qinglan Ling, Qinghua Liang, Xiaochen Zhang, Honglian Guo, Shuai Feng* , Chang-Yin Ji*, and Jiafang Li*, Toroidal electric dipole enabled chiral surface lattice resonances in stereo propeller metasurfaces,APL Photonics, 8: 086114 (2023)

(4) Xia Hongbo, Li Dan, Wu Suli, Feng Shuai*, Meng Chao, Dong Bin*, “H2O- and ethanol concentration-responsive polymer/gel inverse opal photonic crystal” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 605: 803-812 (2022)

(5) Wei Wei, Shanshan Chen, Chang-yin Ji, Shuqi Qiao, Honglian Guo*, Shuai Feng*, Jiafang Li*, Ultra-sensitive amplitude engineering and sign reversal of circular dichroism in quasi-3D chiral nanostructures, Optics Express, 29: 33572-33581 (2021)

(6) Liu Xing, Han Yu, Ji Changyin, Chen Shanshan, Liu Juan, Feng Shuai*, Li Jiafang*, Reconfigurable plasmonic nanoslits and tuneable Pancharatnam-Berry geometric phase based on electromechanical nano-kirigami, Optical Materials Express, 11: 3381-3391 (2021)

(7) Zhe Yuan, Shuai Feng*, Weizhen Liu, Zhouhui Liu, Yuxuan Zhang, Cuicui Lu*, On-chip ultra-small arbitrary-elliptical-polarization converters, IEEE Photonics Journal, 13: 6601008 (2021)

(8) Shuai Feng*, Tinghui Xiao, Lin Gan, Yiquan Wang, Tuning the beam power splitting characteristics through modulating the photonic crystal slab’s output surface, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 50: 025107 (2017)

(9) Shuai Feng, Jian-Hua Jiang*, Abdullah Al Rashid, and Sajeev John*, Biosensor architecture for enhanced disease diagnostics: lab-in-a-photonic-crystal, Optics Express, 24: 12166-12191 (2016)

(10) Shuai Feng*, Yiquan Wang, Unidirectional reciprocal wavelength filters based on the square-lattice photonic crystal structures with the rectangular defects, Optics Express, 21: 220-228 (2013)

(11) Shuai Feng, Zhiyuan Li*, Zhifang Feng, Bingying Cheng, and Daozhong Zhang, Engineering the imaging properties of a metallic photonic-crystal slab lens, Applied Physics Letters, 88: 031104 (2006)

(12) Shuai Feng, Zhiyuan Li*, Zhifang Feng, Bingying Cheng, Daozhong Zhang, Imaging properties of an elliptical-rod photonic-crystal slab lens, Physical Review B, 72: 075101 (2005)